Please Write, Call and Or E-mail in Support of Jamie Scott
Dear Supporters:
We are in need of your urgent assistance. Because of the continuous exposure that this case has received Jamie Scott #19197 is being constantly harassed by guards and was placed in the “hole” for 23 days. Jamie is now very depressed and on medication which is not a good sign at all. Our personal feelings are that she was set up by guards, lied on and thrown in the “hole” because of her continuous strength and determination to fight for freedom.
In addition, her privileges to attend school, work and conduct research in the law library have been stripped away. Please assist us in contacting the following persons, let them know that the public is watching this case and ask for a thorough investigation into the lies which have caused Jamie Scott #19197 to be harassed, stripped of privileges and thrown into the “hole”
Please call and e-mail the Superintendent of Prisons, The Commissioner of Prisons and the assistant Commissioner, please also cc this e-mail address on the e-mail. (freethescottsisters@gmail.com) so that there are records of your contacts.
Please inform them that the public is watching this case and the great injustice hurled at these innocent ladies.
Please call and write:
Margaret Bingham
Superintendent of CMCF – Central Mississippi Correctional Facitily
P. O. Box 88550 – 3794 Hwy 468 - Pearl, MS 39208
Phone: (601) 932-2880
E-Mail - MBingham@mdoc.state.ms.us
Christopher Epps: Commissioner of Prisons for the State of Mississippi
723 North President Street
Jackson, MS 39202
Emmit Sparkman – Deputy Commissioner
Governor Haley Barbour
1-877-405-0733 or 601-359-3150,
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